Kingman County Fair
"Tropical Fairadise"
July 23-26, 2025 at the Kingman Expo Center
This page is under construction! Please check back often for new information!
2025 Button Contest:
The Kingman County Fair Association is proud to sponsor the Kingman County Fair Button Design Contest. The contest is open to all ages. The winning design will be featured on the 2025 County Fair Button and in Publications. We are excited to celebrate the 103rd Kingman County Fair! The theme this year is “Tropical Fairadise”
- You must use the pre-sized circular template supplied.
- PRINT your entry application information in legible writing.
- HAND DRAWN ENTRIES ONLY, computer-generated designs will not be considered.
- Include the theme “Tropical Fairadise” in your design. Please also include “2025” and “Kingman County Fair” in your design.
- We reserve the right to alter the design to fit copyright standards.
- Entries can be brought to the Kingman County Extension Office by March 31st. Mail entries must be postmarked by March 31st. Please send to:
P.O. BOX 325
*TIPS: Remember to use simple designs and darken your colors if you use lighter colors such as yellow or green. Outlining helps also to make your designs stand out. Colored pencils are a good choice of medium. *
2024 T-Shirt Order Form
The Kingman County Fair is almost here! Like last year we are offering the opportunity for all community members and supporters to purchase a Kingman County Fair T-Shirt! All t-shirts will be a short sleeve, ring-spun cotton and polyester blend. T-shirts will be available for pick up during the fair at the Fair office.
You can order online or in-person at the Kingman County Extension Office: 125 N. Spruce St. between 8:00-Noon, and 1:00-5:00 Monday-Friday. All orders for additional T-Shirts must be placed by 5:00 pm May 31st, 2024.
*Remember, all 4-H Youth registered in a Fair Event will receive a 2025 Fair T-Shirt with their fair entries, and each T-Shirt sponsor will receive a free T-Shirt. This form is for additional T-Shirts ONLY!
Helpful Links and Documents:
2024 Kingman County Fairbook
For more information on signing up for the 2025 County Fair, using Fair Entry, please watch videos from Melissa Thimesch, our 4-H Youth Development Agent.
When making a Fair Entry, use this link to find our Fair!
Making a PeeWee Livestock Show Entry
Additional Project Information
4-H Eligibility Form -- If you intend to sell in the 4-H Purple Ribbon Food Auction or the 4-H Livestock Premium Auction, please fill out and return by May 9, the 4-H Eligibility Form. You can download this form here:4-H Eligibility Form
4-H Livestock Care and Housing Form - This year every member who is showing livestock (beef, bucket calves, swine, meat goats, dairy goats, sheep, and horses) will be asked to complete and return a Kingman County Livestock Care and Housing form. This form has the members indicate where their project animals will be housed during the project year and what the care plan is for the animals. One member can complete one form even if they show multiple animals, please just note the animals being shown at the top of the form. This form is due back to the Extension Office by May 1, 2025. Kingman County Animal Care and Housing Form
4-H Fashion Revue - You can download the Script Form here:4-H Fashion Revue Script Form. Fashion Revue Schedule Cost Per Wear (14 and Older)
Fashion Revue Scripts are due to the Extension Office by June 27th!
Woodworking Plan Sheet - If you are entering a woodworking item, you need to also have a plan sheet attached. You can download the form here: 4-H Woodworking
Photography ID Labels - You will need to have a label for each photo entered in the fair. This will be taped along the bottom of the photo board. Instuructions are included. Photography ID Labels
Foods - In order to make sure food products are safe at room tempeture, the sugar content of all frosting and fillings need to be over 65% sugar content. Use this worksheet to determine the sugar content of your project's frosting or filling. Please also refer to the Food Safety of Frostings and Fillings for additional information.
Rocketry, Astronomy, Computer Science, Robotics, Building Block Engineering Information
If you need the Packet Forms (the forms that you glue to your project information packet) those can be found at If you need those printed off, please let the office know.
Concession Stand Work Schedule
Kingman County Vintage Farm Machinery & Rural Heritage Show
Kingman Economic Development Photography Contest Flyer
Kingman Economic Development Photography Contest Release Form