Radon Kit's Available!
Be sure to stop by the office and pick up a Radon Kit for your home today for just $6.50/kit.
Radon is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas produced by the decay of natural radioactive materials found in the soil. It’s a naturally occurring environmental hazard that seeps into homes and other buildings through joints or cracks in the foundation and has been found above recommended levels in as many as one in four homes in Kansas.Radon is known to be the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer in smokers, and testing is recommended, said Snead, who explained that testing need not be costly, or difficult.
If your results are low, consider repeating the test every two or three years or whenever there is a significant change in the home’s foundation, heating system or air tightness from weatherization efforts, Snead said.If radon is present above the recommended ceiling (4.0 pCiL/Pico Curies per liter), a confirmatory test should be conducted. If you want to know the radon concentration in other areas of your home, conduct the desired number of tests at the same time. When high results are confirmed, Snead recommends consulting a radon professional for mitigation system installation.
More information about radon, including testing and mitigation, is available at most K-State Research and Extension offices, via the Kansas Radon Program at Kansas Radon Program and by phone, toll-free: 1-800-693-5343. The Environmental Protection Agency's National Radon Program Services is housed in the Engineering Extension Department at K-State.